Monday, April 17, 2006

Good news!

The Montgomery Theater's production of The Drawer Boy is elegible to be nominated for a Barrymore Award by the Philadelphia Theatre Alliance. We do not yet know which particular recognition the show has been nominated for, but this good news provides all the more reason to come see the show!


Montgomery Theater Presents
The Drawer Boy

by Michael Healey

Starring Paul Dake, Sean Michael Gallagher, and Buck Schirner
Set Design by Lynn Kraft
Costumes by Nancy McClain
Lighting Design by Greg Solomon & Brian S. Weis
Stage Manager Hilliard Cohen
Assistant Stage Manager Nancy Cepil Forbes
Directed by Tom Quinn

April 12 - May 6

Ticket Prices
$15 - Week Night / Sun. Mat.
$21 - Fri. Night
$23 - Sat. Night


*Edited text is in red.

Monday, April 10, 2006

The Drawer Boy

-Production Shots-

Brian doing his sound design thing.

Note the coke on the floor. It's a sign that I
was there.


-Portfolio Shots-


Who are you?

Evening on the farm.

Lies in the moonlight.

Morning work to be done.

Counting the stars.

Angus leaves.

He's back.

The Drawer Boy

Come see the show!

The Drawer Boy
Montgomery Theater
April 12 - May 6
Call the box office to reserve your tickets.

Until next time,